Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Seriously, Microsoft...

UPDATE:After checking ZuneInsider today, Cesar Menendez poted an explanation to the shortages. I sure hope its true

I know that I written about this subject already, but I have been seeing more and more reports. You are doing a poor job MSFT. So many people had no faith in you to begin with and you are just throwing that potential away. Artificial shortages do not, and will not work for devices like these. MSFT is getting really lame and I am tired about it. I have been reading nothing but disdainful remarks to them and to be brutally honest, I am starting to agree with them. I do have faith in the Zune brand, but it is slowly ebbing away, day by day.

I hope that they pick up the slack and get themselves in gear. If this "shortage" continues, I see the complete and utter collapse of the brand. Remember guys, go to http://foums.zune.net and plead your bums off with the guys there. Maybe it'll leave a mark.

As a extra for today's post, I am including a download link to a zip file of Zune 2 brushes for The GIMP that I created. I hope you guys enjoy them!


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