Tuesday, November 27, 2007

For Better or For Worse

Darn you Windows XP!!! Recently my Media Center setup encountered an error and wouldn't boot. I managed to recover all of my files and transfer them to and from my Windows partition, but in the end it was all for naught. I had to completely recover my PC, the one thing I am grateful for is the fact that there is reverse sync for my Zune, so not all hope is lost :D

Since I have been working on fixing my PC, I have nothing noteworthy to comment on, so stay tuned for tomorrow!

Friday, November 23, 2007

Thank Goodness for Weekends!

I had a fun experience waiting in line in front of Best Buy early Friday morning. The only shame is, I didn't have enough money to get exactly what I wanted. Nonetheless, I payed for what I got there for and I also helped one of my friends snag a Sony Vaio.

I am also very interested to see the total sales for Black Friday and the total sales for the Zune on BF.

Happy Thanksgiving Weekend everyone!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Seriously, Microsoft...

UPDATE:After checking ZuneInsider today, Cesar Menendez poted an explanation to the shortages. I sure hope its true

I know that I written about this subject already, but I have been seeing more and more reports. You are doing a poor job MSFT. So many people had no faith in you to begin with and you are just throwing that potential away. Artificial shortages do not, and will not work for devices like these. MSFT is getting really lame and I am tired about it. I have been reading nothing but disdainful remarks to them and to be brutally honest, I am starting to agree with them. I do have faith in the Zune brand, but it is slowly ebbing away, day by day.

I hope that they pick up the slack and get themselves in gear. If this "shortage" continues, I see the complete and utter collapse of the brand. Remember guys, go to http://foums.zune.net and plead your bums off with the guys there. Maybe it'll leave a mark.

As a extra for today's post, I am including a download link to a zip file of Zune 2 brushes for The GIMP that I created. I hope you guys enjoy them!


Monday, November 19, 2007

Finally, Peace

I am glad to see that the incessant complaining, and of course legitimate criticisms, have died down since last week. I didn't really think I could take some of the people anymore. I do hope MSFT rolls out frequent software updates with all of these requests going on.

This is one of my off days. I am kind of having blogger's block here.

Enjoy a random video from youtube...

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Why Pull a Nintendo?

I seriously hope that Microsoft isn't making the Zune go the way of the Wii. I think you know what I mean. In retrospect, the spin I put on that phrase makes it sound bad, but we all know it really isn't. Other than that, milking a Zune "shortage" would be the worst thing Microsoft could do. The Wii "shortage", I can understand. It's an immensely popular gaming system for people who like casual game play, and Microsoft is trying to go the same way with the Zune.

They are doing a good job in some aspect though. The design of the Zune 80, 4, and 8 is a good decision for them. They are going to cater to a younger demographic now that they are smaller and shinier(That sort of sounds like a stereotype now, doesn't it?) and a bit more family friendly. I am personally seeking for an opportunity to buy a 4GB player for exercise purposes. But seriously, the people are already losing faith in you, Microsoft. Why make them lose their faith even more?

On a more positive front, I do foresee a software update in the near future. As of now, I have seen thousands of posts on the Zune forums that beg and plead for the simple software features in the old version of the Zune software, which of course was just a skinned version of WMP. Much is in store for the Zune community. Just wait for it.

~Rock On Zuners!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

The State of the Zune

I normally don't rant, but this is an exception. I am all for addressing problems with the Zune 80 and the like, but what is the problem with people complaining so much. Microsoft may not be on the ball all of the time, but why lose your faith in the Zune so quickly. It has been out for less than a week and many new users are already selling their devices.

A case of no-instant gratification syndrome? I think so. Too many people these days, and I must include myself, seek instant gratification for just about everything. I, personally, am very dedicated to my gadgets, and when they have problems, I try to work them out.

In my humble opinion, all of the newest Zune users out there should be patient and wait. If you want the "requisite" features on the Zune so badly go out and buy an iPod.

In the essence of things, I really think that people should learn to be patient, myself included.

~Zune Out!